Friday, 17 December 2010

It keeps on snowing in Zoetermeer

It snowed the whole night and a large part of the day. We should not forget that we are still in the fall. The official winter still has to start. It seems like we are living in Austria, Switzerland or Canada. But no, this is our garden in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. A country where it normally doesn't snow. We received about 15 cm in one day.

Het heeft de volledige nacht en een groot deel van de dag gesneeuwd. We mogen niet vergeten dat het nog herfst is en de winter nog moet aanvangen. Het lijkt wel alsof we leven in Oostenrijk, Zwitserland of Canada. Maar nee, dit is onze tuin in Zoetermeer, Nederland. Een land waar het bijna nooit sneeuwt. We kregen vandaag 15 cm op 1 dag.

Sneeuw Zoetermeer
Sneeuw Zoetermeer
Sneeuw Zoetermeer
Sneeuw Zoetermeer
Sneeuw Zoetermeer
Sneeuw Zoetermeer
Previous Zoetermeer article: Tommie in the snow last year

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  1. Hi Filip Thanks for commenting on my blog. Isn't this weather amazing .. parts of UK have this depth of snow today too - though so far we here in Yorkshire have none. We had lots last week but it has melted now. It might be a long winter (when it starts - ha ha.)

  2. 15 cm of snow is a lot of snow, especially for Holland! I hope this is the last snow of this coming season.
    You take care.

  3. Hello Filip,
    I always like it whwneve I find a blog who travels a lot..I am sure we will find so many things in common..

  4. And I thought it was snowing a lot in my small, Italian village! Wow...I feel cold looking at the photos.

  5. real white fairy tale...:)))enjoy the white xmas time....


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