Friday 18 November 2011

The beauty of fall in Boston

Last time I was in Boston during the summer.This week it was different, colder, more grey. In fact the weather was still good for this time of the year, you could walk outisde without a jacket. When I saw the majestic buildings in combination with brown, yellow, and orange coloured threes, the feeling of fall hit me. All these colours in the park, around the lakes, in front of the skyscrapers, create an unreal picture of nature in a major city. The scuirels jump over piles of leaves, climb threes, and bravely approach you in their search for food. The beauty of fall in Boston. Enjoy the photos.

Mijn laatste bezoek aan Boston was gedurende zomer. Deze week was het anders, kouder, en grijzer. Niettegenstaande was het weer nog goed voor deze tijd van het jaar, je kon buiten wandelen zonder jas aan. Toen ik de skyline van Boston zag in combinatie met bruin, geel, en oranje gekleurde bomen, werd ik getroffen door het gevoel van de herfst. Al deze kleuren in het park, aan de meren, in de voorgrond van de wolkenkrabbers, creƫren een onrealistisch sfeerbeeld van natuur in een grootstad. De eekhoorns springen over opeengestapelde bladeren, klimmen in bomen, en komen je moedig tegemoet in hun zoektocht naar eten. De schoonheid van de herfst in Boston. Geniet van de foto's.

Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Fall in Boston
Previous Boston article: Copley Fairmont Hotel, Boston

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  1. Great pictures; it looks so beautiful there! We don't get the same sorts of beautiful colours here in Brisbane (AUS) so I love to see pictures like these.
    Hope you are enjoying your travels :)
    Bec x

  2. I am thoroughly enjoying following your travels Filip!!! Wonderful photos and such interesting information.
    You must be on a huge around the world trip?? How exciting! So is Australia on your itinerary?

  3. Wonderful walk in the park. It is fascinating to see places for the first time, and the impressions that are first made. And thank you for the visit to the Vatican... it brings back fun memories from our trips there many years ago.

  4. absolutely fabulous!!! I love the pictures with the squirrel, she/he was posing for u:-))) same for the colours here...

  5. Wonderful photos. Beautiful autumn scenes and lovely squirrels.

  6. Ohh, Boston..... I have never been there but it's my biggest dream to see this beautiful city. And after looking at your pictures I will definitely go in autumn.

    Absolutely stunning and beautiful pictures!!! It was such a pleasure to read your post and look at pictures.

    I love all these pictures. They are so touching. Simply great and amazing.

    Greetings from Kaya.

  7. I have always wanted to visit Boston in the fall, and my son and his family did go there this summer for vacation. Boston has SO much to do and is so big, and such great restaurants. The last to pictures are my favorites, so gorgeous!!!

  8. terrific shots! you captured boston autumn so beautifully!

    i love your interesting and bioinformatic post.

  9. Ooops! i meant to say informative post. (sorry)

  10. Fabulous photos of Fall in Boston. Are you still on the cruise ship?

  11. So - finally a place I've been! Boston in fall is lovely. The squirrel with the city as backdrop is fantastic. Stay warm!


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