Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Vatican Library, the Sistine Hall and the Sistine Chapel of Michelangelo

This library is located in the Vatican Museum in Vatican City, Rome. It is a very old library which was founded in 1475. We liked it so much because of the wall and ceiling paintings which did not steal there name, the Sistine Hall. We could only see a part of it. Most of the library was closed for renovation works. The paintings are spectacular and more colourful than in the Sistine Chapel. The paintings in the Sistine Chapel were made by Michelangelo. In the Chapel we were not allowed to take pictures. The chapel was in fact the private praying room of the pope and each time the cardinals need to elect a pope they lock themselves into the chapel. When the white smoke comes out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel, the new pope is known. When the smoke is black, the election has to the restarted.

Deze bibliotheek gevestigd in het Vaticaans Museum te Vaticaan Stad, Rome. Het is een zeer oude bibliotheek die werd opgericht in 1475. We vonden het zeer mooi omwille van de vele muur en plafond schilderijen. De bibliotheek heeft zijn naam niet gestolen, de Sixtijnse Bibliotheek. Het grootste gedeelte was afgesloten voor renovatiewerken maar de schilderijen waren heel indrukwekkend en kleurvoller dan in de Sixtijnse Kapel. De schilderwerken in de Sixtijnse Kapel zijn echter van Michelangelo, daar mochten we geen foto’s nemen. Deze kapel was in feite een privĂ© bidkamer van de paus en iedere keer dat er een nieuwe paus moet verkozen worden komen de kardinalen hier in conclaaf. Wanneer er witte rook uit de schouw van de Sixtijnse Kapel komt is de nieuwe paus gekozen, bij zwarte rook moet er opnieuw gestemd worden..

Vatican Library
Vatican Library
Vatican Library
Vatican Library
Vatican Library
Vatican Library
Previous Vatican City article: General impressions of the Vatican museum

Previous Library article: The ancient town of Ephesus with the library of Celsus

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  1. Prachtige foto's....... alsof ik er zelf weer ben.

    Groetjes, Joop

  2. Hard to imagine someone painting these so long ago. Fabulous shots.

  3. WOW wat gaaf, al die details! Ik ben er stil van.
    Groetjes Cristien.

  4. Gosh, so this is the room where they choose the new pope and then send out the smoke? I'm kind of surprised they would let people tour it. Really interesting, a mystery revealed!

  5. Oh how lovely. My girl friend has been there, already. She brought back lovely photos... (a few of us are planning someday too) and my daughter's best friend, so it is on our list! thanks for sharing this today!

  6. Mooie foto's, gelukkig mag je nog ergens wel fotograferen. Tegenwoordig zijn er zoveel verboden te fotograferen borden.

  7. Simply gorgeous. It must have been a sight in person.

  8. "Or" to the "Nate" !

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  9. Your photos are amazing. It must be sensational in real life. I guess you would be inclined to have a sore neck from gazing upwards at the ceilings so much.

  10. Such a historical, well known place. Did you have to queue for hours?

  11. I was there this past summer as well, but we couldn't do the full tour of the Vatican b/c there was a papal address later that day. There are so many beautiful details at this place though. You could spend days there and still not document everything. You show the details well here!

  12. great shots, you are right, the state of intesity of the colours is really great! I was also not impressed by the Sistine chapel-the crowd and noise inside made it even worse:-((its actually a pity that such an unique place feels like a crowded bus stop....


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