Friday 6 April 2012

The Grasmarkt in Brussels with Belgium beer and fries.

We had a good time on the Grasmarkt in Brussels. Between the small market stands, there were some students playing the violin. It sounded very beautiful. Belgium is known for its beer and one of the stands was selling all kinds of beer glasses. It is important to drink the beer out of the correct glass, it improves the taste and aromatics. As you can see on the picture there were some famous brands like: Leffe, Duvel, Corsendonk, Judas, Tongerlo, Rochefort, Westmalle, Grimbergen, Brugse Witte, Chimay, Kasteelbier… Which ones have you tried already? But enough about beer, let’s have a Belgian Friet. The so called French Fries but they are Belgian. Hope you enjoy the square and the beautiful houses.

Het was leuk op de Grasmarkt in Brussel. Tussen de kleine marktkraampjes stonden enkele studenten viool te spelen. Het klonk zeer mooi. BelgiĆ« staat gekend om zijn bieren en men verkocht hier allerlei soorten bierglazen. Het is belangrijk je bier uit het juiste glas te drinken het bevordert de smaak en het aroma. Zoals je kan zien op de foto, waren er vele bekende merken in aanbod: Leffe, Duvel, Corsendonk, Judas, Tongerlo, Rochefort, Westmalle, Grimbergen, Brugse Witte, Chimay, Kasteelbier… Welke hebben jullie reeds geprobeerd? Maar genoeg over bier, laten ons een echt Belgisch frietje eten. Hopelijk vind je het een leuk pleintje met mooie huizen..

Previous Brussels article: The Saint Nicolas Church in Brussels, living and working together with God

Previous Beer article: Brewery the Half Moon in Brugge. (Brouwerij de Halve Maan)

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  1. Coucou!!! super ton reportage!!!! j'aime++++ C'est super beau!!! j'aime bruxelles l'insolite!!! bisous

  2. Leuke impressie....ik wens jullie fijne paasdagen.

    Groet, Joop

  3. I never thought I would say that beer is beautiful, but wow!!! All these beers together, pinks and yellows, they are beautiful!!! They look almost like a Easter springtime decoration!!! I did not know that beer came in so many colors!! And those little vases of flowers and pretty paperweights, I would have had a hard time not buying anything! Thanks so much for alerting me to my comment about not seeing the pictures!

  4. Grasmarkt in Brussels is a great place...
    thanks for sharing such places which we never heard...
    we can only blame our ignorance for not knowing such places...
    the bear for the first time is a beautiful sight for me...


  5. I am not a frequent beerdrinker, but I like the Belgium beers.

  6. was the Grasmarkt this weekend? I still remember my first visit to Brussels and bying a t-shirt for a presie on which was writenn "life is full with difficult choices"; on the other site there were at leat 30 different Belgian beers pictured:-)

    I like Belgian beer!

  7. I don't drink alcohol; not even the non alcoholic beer, but I really enjoyed this post and the photos!

  8. lovely to tour with you in Brussels, interesting re the large range of glass to accommodate certain beer types. Noted the rose/candles on the market table. Thanks for sharing your journies for cyberspace travellers

  9. I don't suppose they export beer to Canada!

  10. I love the architecture and the ambiance but you can have the beer. (Wine would be a different story.)

  11. beautiful mementos and architecture. maybe one of the reason i can't drink beer because i have not learned how to drink from the right glass :) i actually have alcohol intolerance :( but wish i know how to drink one.

  12. Beer and fries, two things I'm trying to stay away from since I still want to loose some weight. I like the flower candles in that stall. Looks like a fun market. Happy Easter!

  13. dit is wat ik een perfecte brusselse reportage noem !
    prettig paasweekend !

  14. Such a festive place! I am not much of a beer drinker so I did not know a special glass makes beer taste better. I think the man in your second photo wanted to try the Belgian Friet.

  15. gezellige boel Filip. Ik zou wel een lekker "Trapisten" lusten. Fijne dag wens ik jullie, Dietmut


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