Sunday 1 December 2013

November 2013: Top Commentators and our China adventures

This month we published articles from Belgium, China, Germany, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands. All countries we visited recently except for China that was in the year 2007. Our monthly visitors’ volume was stable with about 42.000 hits. Like every month, we end our article with the top 15 commentators. Our apologies for not commenting a lot to other blogs in the last week but we were on a travel adventure.

Deze maand publiceerden we artikelen uit BelgiĆ«, China, Duitsland, ItaliĆ«, Spanje en Nederland. Alle landen hebben we recent bezocht behalve China, dat was in 2007. Het aantal bezoekers deze maand was stabiel met ongeveer 42.000 hits. Zoals iedere maand eindigen we ons artikel met de top 15 commentators. We verontschuldigen ons niet aktief genoeg te zijn op andere blogs met commentaar maar we waren aan het reizen.

Top 15 Commentators of November 2013:
Nr. 1. - 31 comments - dith
Nr. 2. - 27 comments - Adam
Nr. 3. - 26 comments - Whiteangel
Nr. 4. - 24 comments - mijnnikonenik
Nr. 5. - 21 comments - fotorantje
Nr. 5. - 21 comments - TexWisGirl
Nr. 7. - 20 comments - Joop Zand
Nr. 8. - 18 comments - Karen S.
Nr. 9. - 17 comments - orvokki
Nr.10.- 15 comments - Ginny
Nr.11.- 13 comments - Jeanne   
Nr.12.- 11 comments - Agnieszka Laviolettee
Nr.12.- 11 comments - Gert Jan Herman    
Nr.14.- 10 comments - Jana
Nr.15.-  9 comments - willy
China collage

China collage

Europe collage
Utrecht, Barcelona, Oberammergau and Capri

Previous Top Commentators article: October 2013: Top Commentators and recollecting memories of China

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  1. You certainly do get around the world and its fun reading where you go.

  2. Gosh, I am way further down the list than usual, due to my being in the hospital. Great collage of all your places!!

  3. I enjoy reading and seeing your photos of where you have been. I suppose being in Europe it's easier to drive or fly to another country when you consider that Australia is about the same size as Europe.

  4. I'll see you around! ;-)

    I hope that you'll have a great week!

  5. "Jullie waren op reis" en dus hebben jullie op andere blogs geen commentaar kunnen geven", maar dat betekent wij mogen op korte termijn weer van nieuwe bestemmingen en foto's van jullie genieten. Ik verheug mij er al op. Ik ga ervan uit, dat jullie lekker hebben kunnen genieten. Lieve groeten en een fijne week, Dietmut

  6. relax well+enjoy the adventure:-)))
    the Chinese collages are very cool, sunny greetings from Rijswijk+my free Monday morning!

  7. Lovely November-collages.


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