Saturday 1 February 2014

January 2014: Top Commentators, focus on Spain

As promised last blogging article, we wrote predominantly about Spain this month: 21 articles from Malaga, Sevilla, Barcelona and Cartagena. As a consequence we only published about 4 countries during January: Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.

We are super happy because it was also a month of records with about 49.000 visitors and almost 1.700 comments. In our top commentators list two readers ended together on the first place. Congratulations to Adam and Whiteangel who both commented 30 times this month. We end our article with the traditional collages and the list of Top Commentators.

Zoals beloofd in ons vorige artikel over bloggen, schreven we voornamelijk over Spanje: 21 artikelen uit Malaga, Sevilla, Barcelona en Cartagena. Hierdoor publiceerden we slechts over 4 landen: BelgiĆ«, Nederland, Spanje en Portugal. 

We zijn echter ongelooflijk blij want er vielen records met ongeveer 49.000 bezoekers en bijna 1.700 commentaren. In onze top commentators lijst staan twee lezers samen op de eerste plaats. Proficiat aan Adam en Whiteangel die beiden 30 keer een berichtje nalieten. We eindigen ons artikel traditioneel met foto collages en de lijst van Top Commentators. 
Top 15 Commentators of January 2014:
Nr. 1. - 30 comments - Whiteangel
Nr. 1. - 30 comments - Adam
Nr. 3. - 22 comments - dith
Nr. 4. - 21 comments - fotorantje
Nr. 5. - 20 comments - Karen S.
Nr. 6. - 17 comments - mijnnikonenik
Nr. 7. - 16 comments - diane b
Nr. 7. - 16 comments - Jeanne     
Nr. 9. - 15 comments - Rosemary
Nr.10.- 14 comments - stiefbeen
Nr.10.- 14 comments - orvokki 
Nr.12.- 12 comments - Barb    
Nr.13.-  9 comments - willy
Nr.14.-  8 comments - Cezar and Leia
Nr.15.-  7 comments - TexWisGirl
Nr.15. - 7 comments - Joeri Inghels
Collage Lisbon Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal

Collage Cartagena Spain
Cartagena, Spain

Collage Malaga, Sevilla, Barcelona Spain
Cartagena, Sevilla, Barcelona

Collage Barcelona Spain

Previous Top Commentators article: December 2013: Top Commentators and summary of the month

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  1. Wow, great summary of the past month again!

  2. jij hebt weer top-collages samengesteld Filip. Fijn weekend, Dietmut

  3. the pigeons perched on the statue bust made me smile. :)

  4. Prachtige foto collages Filip, erg mooi gedaan hoor.

  5. I think this is the first time I've been first

  6. Maybe you would enjoy a a job writing travel guides Filip - you have travelled so extensively.

  7. The Collages are lovely.
    I always look each day to see your photos and read your post, and with today's technology I always have an internet device with me, and of course a signal. It's only on an odd occasion that I am unable to comment.
    Enjoy your travels, and thanks for sharing them with us.

  8. geweldig wat een prachtige kunstige collages.

  9. J'aime beaucoup ces compositions qui reprennent les posts du mois! Bisoussssss

  10. Wonderful collages.
    You have really many readers. But this is a good blog and it deserves to be read.


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