Sunday 30 October 2011

Celebrating a birthday in top restaurant Bruneau in Brussels

Restaurant Bruneau in Brussels has one Michelin star and is one of the prefered suppliers of the Royal Family. In a quiet corner of the restaurant you see the pictures of King Albert and Queen Paola, the crown Prince Filip and Princess Mathilde of Belgium, the royal family of Spain and Prince Charles of Wales. We were here to celebrate the birthday of one of our parents and the food was great. We had lobster, scallops, veal sweet breads, a javanais of goose liver with eal, hare, roe, tongue, and various desserts. No we didn’t eat all these by person, we all had different plates. It was a nice opportunity to try some different things in this top restaurant.

Restaurant Bruneau in Brussel heeft 1 Michelin ster en is hofleverancier van het Belgisch koningshuis. In een rustig hoekje van het restaurant vind je foto’s van Koning Albert en Koningin Paola, Kroonprins Filip en Princes Mathilde van BelgiĆ«, de Koninklijke familie van Spanje, en de Prince Charles of Wales. We waren hier voor de verjaardag van 1 van onze ouders en het eten was fantastisch. We kozen kreeft, sint-jocobsnoten, kalfszwezeriken, een javanais van eendenlever en paling, hazenbout, ree, tong, en verschillende nagerechten. Nee, we hebben dit alles niet per persoon genomen, maar kozen samen allerlei verschillende gerechten. Een mooie mogelijkheid om nieuwe smaken uit te proberen in dit top restaurant..

Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Restaurant Bruneau Brussel
Previous Michelin restaurant article: Restaurant Mirabelle in Rome

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  1. Very strange metal sculpture at the entrance. A worried look on Kristel's face probably because she was hungry and her plate was bare. Later food looks very special.

  2. wow the foods look stunningly good...

  3. All the food look so yummy. The entrance of the hotel looks unique.

  4. Fantastic photos from your meal and the different food. Its very difficult to photograph food. You have the right light. Wonderful !

  5. Beautifully presented food - it seems a shame to disturb it, really:-)

  6. What lovely food presentation, seems a pity to spoil it by eating them ;P

    A happy birthday to the birthday parent! :)

  7. nice presentation, but how was your stomach after so much creamy food?;-)))

  8. Lovely photo of Kristel! Such appetizing plates of yummies - my husband is wild about sweet breads. It's hard to find a restaurant that serves them. I, on the other hand, am lingering over the chocolate... PS You and Kristel can adopt me if you want.

  9. Wow you did live it up. The food looks tantalising and delicious. Lucky you.


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