Sunday, 29 April 2012

General impressions of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic

In the coming weeks, we are going to publish many articles about the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague. It is an amazing city with castles, wonderful churches, crazy nightlife, historical buildings, modern architecture, parks, culture and many more unbelievable attractions. It is part of historical region of Bohemia. Prague is added to the UNESCO heritage list and this is no surprise. Probably one of the most amazing cities we have ever visited. If you come to Europe, Prague should certainly be on your wish list. There is no better way to get around in the city than with the subway, it is clean, cheap and very efficient. Car traffic in the city is very slow and occasionally you see exotic cars. Don’t forget your camera, you will need it.

De komende weken gaan we veel artikelen over Praag, de hoofdstad van Tsjechië publiceren. Het is een prachtige stad met kastelen, ongelooflijke kerken, bruisend nachtleven, historische gebouwen, moderne architectuur, parken, cultuur, en veel meer ongelooflijke attracties. Het maakt deel uit van de historische regio van Bohemen. Praag is opgenomen op de Wereld Erfgoed Lijst van UNESCO, wat geen verrassing is. Het is waarschijnlijk een van de meest indrukwekkende steden dat we ooit gezien hebben. Er bestaat geen betere manier dan Praag te bezoeken met de metro, het is proper en zeer efficiënt. Auto’s verplaatsen zich maar traag in de stad maar je ziet er wel regelmatig super exotische wagens. Vergeet je fototoestel niet, je zal het nodig hebben.. 












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  1. I love the architecture in Prague and there is so much to see and do.

  2. 'k Verheug mij er reeds op, Filip. De start is in elk geval super !

  3. so sunny+colourful! I like the last three pics a lot...looking forward to the Pargue-trip with u:-) enjoy the long weekend!

  4. Many clicks peculiar and interesting. A tour well diversified. I liked to know and see. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Schöne Fotos einer interessanten Stadt. Besonders gut gefällt mir das tanzende Paar. Das ist ein tolles Bauwerk...
    Liebe Grüße, Karin

  6. Wow! This city looks amazing! Will definitely be excited to see more of your pictures of this city. So I now will know to add Prague to my 'bucket list." Oh, and I WANT that car!! pretty cute

  7. Ziet er warmer uit dan hier. Praag is een prachtige stad inderdaad. Ik was er in de winter, dan is het er behoorlijk koud.

  8. Praga jest mi znana i cudownie jest na zdjęciach pokazana. To piękne miasto. Pozdrawiam.
    Prague is known to me and wonderful to the pictures shown. It's a beautiful city. Yours.

  9. É sem dúvida uma cidade magnifica. Adorava conhecer. As fotos estão excelentes. Parabéns!

    Boa semana :)

  10. For an old city like Prague, these buildings are beyond belief, so is this wild car!

  11. It is already on my list to visit some day. I like the mixture of old and modern architecture.

  12. It looks like an intriguing city,unlike what I had imagined.Will look forward
    to seeing more pictures.

  13. there is really just something about prague that keeps me happy, yet intrigued. maybe it's that beer ;)

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