The Sagrada Familia must be the most famous building of Barcelona and it is not even completed yet. Antoni Gaudi started working on it in 1910 and spent the last 16 years of his life living in poverty trying to work on this church.
Gaudi got killed into an accident very close to the church. At first, when they found his body, they did not recognise him and assumed it was a homeless person. The aim is to complete the church in 2026, hundred years after the death of Gaudi. We think this is impossible, the construction works progress very slowly. The main reason for this is budget. The Sagrada Familia is funded via donations and entry fees.
Compared to a few years ago, we almost see no difference to the exterior. Some parts are newly built and clean. Most of the facade is already black because of pollution. The sculptures are the most impressive elements of the church in this phase. Once completed it should be the main tower, representing Jesus with a height of almost 200 metres.
De Sagrada Familia is het meest beroemde bouwwerk van Barcelona en het is nog niet eens afgewerkt. Antoni Gaudi begon de bouw in 1910 en wijde de laatste 16 jaar van zijn leven aan dit project. Hij leefde in armoede om dit te kunnen voltooien.
Gaudi kwam om in een ongeval dichtbij de Sagrada Familia. Eerst werd Gaudi niet herkend en veronderstelde men dat het een clochard was. Het doel is nu de kerk te voltooien tegen 2026, honderd jaar na de dood van Antoni Gaudi. Wij denken dat dit onmogelijk is want het gaat zeer traag. De hoofdreden voor het langzaam bouwen is budget. Al het geld komt van donaties en van toegangsgeld.
In vergelijking met enkele jaren terug zien we niet veel progressie aan de buitenzijde. Sommige nieuwe stukken vallen op daar de bouwstenen nog proper zijn. Het grootste deel van de gevel is echter zwart door vervuiling. De beeldhouwwerken zijn momenteel het meest indrukwekkend, later zal dit wel de toren van ongeveer 200 meter hoog zijn, ter ere van Jezus..
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4 hours ago
Oh my goodness, what an amazing structure this is. Truly a fine work of art for all.
ReplyDeleteDeze klus zal nooit gereed komen....... mooie stad he Filip
ReplyDeletegroet, Joop
If only I sometimes could travel to Barcelona, I would be very happy.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see the buildings of Gaudi.
Your fotos are great, thanks for sharing.
Oh my goodness, this church is unlike anything I have ever seen. And if they keep on in this style, I think they will never get it done! I will say though that it is very dark and foreboding!
ReplyDeletemaar aan de werken komt geen eind
You have reminded me that Barcelona is somewhere that I must return to.
ReplyDeleteThis is really quite an amazing building! Hope that it will eventually be finished, but can see that even after a hundred years , it has a long way to go. Looks quite incredible though! Great shots Filip!
ReplyDeleteI think the very fact that it is NOT finished is part of the appeal!
ReplyDeleteI love those statues
ReplyDeleteSo very different. It looks great, so much work has already been done, let's hope it's finished in 2026
ReplyDeleteIt is an amazing building. It was covered in scaffolding when we were there.
ReplyDeletewat een topkunstenaar hé
ReplyDeleteBlijft fascinerend Filip. Groetjes dietmut