Friday 11 November 2011

General impressions of Naples, a city full of life

Naples is a major city in south Italy with a population of 1 million. With a birds eye you see the different architectural styles originating from the Greeks, Romans and the Arabs. There are many beautiful monuments and buildings like castles, forts, cathedrals, amazing shopping centres, fountains and houses. The shopping streets are busy and the town is alive. Looking into some of the narrow side alleys you are confronted with noisy motorcycles, iron balconies on each floor, the clothing that dries outside in the street and sometimes a pile of garbage is still visible. The extreme problems they had here with garbage seems to be solved.

Napels is een grootstad in zuid Italië met een populatie van 1 miljoen. In vogelvlucht zie je de verschillende architecturale stijlen komende van de Grieken, Romeinen en Arabieren. Er zijn vele mooie monumenten en gebouwen zoals kastelen, forten, kathedralen, ongelooflijke winkelcentra, fonteinen en huizen. De winkelstraten zijn zeer druk en de stad is vol leven. Als je kijkt in de smalle steegjes wordt je geconfronteerd met luidruchtige brommers, ijzeren balkons op ieder verdiep, de kledij hangt buiten te drogen en soms zie je nog een hoop afval liggen. Het grote afvalprobleem die deze stad had schijnt opgelost te zijn..

Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
Naples Impressions
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  1. Beautiful impressions from this very old town. Amazing details and sharp photos. Have a nice weekend !

  2. Mooie serie foto's vanuit Napels

    Groet, Joop

  3. Wow, Naples! I have always thought of it as being such a romantic place. I love that yellow building in your second picture! Do you travel for your work or for pleasure?

  4. an exceptional review and superb photos.
    they just make me want to travel there.
    naples is an absolutely fascinating city.

    have a great weekend!

  5. Several years ago we were also in Naples. We walked along the street on the penultimate photo. Its crazy how many things hang on then balconys and windows (the blue bucket in top right corner). But it's an very fascinating city.

  6. Eine sehr schöne ist eine quirlige und interessante Stadt mit vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten und schönen Details...
    LG: Karin

  7. I always enjoy your architectural shots. I seem to gravitate to the ones of the narrow streets and alleys - they are so full of interesting sights. You certainly covered a lot of ground on this trip, Filip. You must have been exhausted after your vacation!

  8. That street shot is just amazing ... I could spend hours there !

  9. Seems to be an interesting city with many contrasts.

  10. What wonderful images! You have captured the city perfectly! I love the street shot and the last shot with the domes & spires. I love them all really (except the rubbish!)
    I loved Italy when I visited last year (Rome & Venice). I would love to travel again some time.

  11. lovely impressions from this so busy, but beautiful (in its Italian way) city!


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