Tuesday 1 November 2011

The new WDSF World Champions - Emanuel Valeri and Tania Kehlet

The main reason I am writing this blog article is because we have been receiving many positive reactions on our dancing and of real top dancers on this blog, from our readers. Therefore, we would like to share with you the TANGO. This super Tango has been performed by Emanuel Valeri and Tania Kehlet from Denmark, the new World Champions Standard Ballroom Dancing since Saturday 29 October 2011. They took the title in Moscow in the WDSF standard discipline. A great performance, these people are top performers, athletes, and artists. Enjoy the video recorded by the Russian Dance Sport Federation.

De hoofdreden waarom we dit blogartikel schrijven is vanwege de vele positieve commentaren van onze lezers op onze dansvideo's, alsook de dansvideo's van de vele top dansers. Daardoor willen we met jullie de video delen van de TANGO. Deze super Tango werd gedanst door Emanuel Valeri and Tania Kehlet uit Denemarken, de nieuwe Wereldkampioenen Standaard Ballroom dansen sinds zaterdag 29 oktober 2011. Ze veroverden de titel in Moskou. Een grootse prestatie, deze mensen zijn echte artiesten en atleten. Geniet van de video opgenomen door de Russische Dans Federatie.

Previous competition article: Top Ballroom Dancing in the Holland Masters and the Benelux Championship

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  1. Let joy be unconstrained!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  2. Dancing is a good form of rejuvenating our body, makes us feel young again ..it is part of exercising besides the joy and happiness found in it...

  3. I love the tango, it is so romantic. The only thing better would be to watch YOU dancing it!

  4. It's short! Is that the standard length?

  5. People who do exercising remain forever young!!
    But there is also a prize to pay....


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