Most cities are hard to reach in Alaska, we arrived at Juneau via a cruise ship through the Inside Passage. We couldn't believe that this little town in the mountains would be the capital. Why not Anchorage or Fairbanks which both are bigger than Juneau.
The town is a collection of shops and little bars. On the corner it is very busy at the Red Dog Saloon. Regularly we see wooden totems, a heritage of the indian culture. It rained a lot the last few days and this creates a beautiful waterfall against the mountain slope.
During the summer, tourists are leaving so much rubbish behind that bears enter the city after cruise ships have left. Sometimes even during the day, they come close. We heard a story of a bear walking into the saloon while customers were having a drink or maybe one too many.
De meeste steden in Alaska zijn moeilijk te bereiken, wij kwamen aan met een cruise schip via de Inside Passage. We konden het moeilijk geloven dat deze kleine stad, de hoofdstad van Alaska is. Waarom niet Anchorage of Fairbanks die twee steden zijn veel groter dan Juneau.
De stad is een collectie winkeltjes en kleine bars. Op de hoek is het heel druk in de Red Dog Saloon. Regelmatig zien we totempalen die deel uitmaken van de indianen cultuur. Het regende fel de laatste dagen wat een enorme waterval langs de bergwand creëerde.
Tijdens de zomer laten toeristen veel afval achter en na het vertrek van de cruise schepen komen beren de stad in. Soms zelfs tijdens de dag, wagen ze zich heel dichtbij. We hebben een verhaal gehoord van een beer die rustig een saloon binnen wandelde terwijl er klanten iets zaten te drinken, of misschien iets te veel hadden gedronken.
Previous Juneau article:
Whale watching in Juneau, Alaska
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General Impressions of Quito, capital of Ecuador
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Awaken, My Heart
3 hours ago
Ondanks het donkere weer zijn het indrukwekkende foto's, Filip.
ReplyDeleteEen prachtige serie foto's Filip, het is toch eigenlijk schandalig, dat er zoveel afval wordt achter gelaten.
ReplyDeletedog saloon is great
ReplyDeleteThis is a fabulous tour, and really gives me a feel of Juno! LOVE the mountain with the yellow bus below. And I DO wonder why this city is the capitol! And why they are SO trashy!
ReplyDeleteThat is a beautiful ship. Sad about the rain. We were lucky to have fine weather there and we went on the most exciting shore excursion. A float plane flight over the glaciers and landed on a lake where we got off and had a salmon BBQ lunch. A bear came to lick the BBQ plate afterwards.
ReplyDeleteminder weer, maar toch knappe foto's Filip
ReplyDeletedat van de beer, zal ik maar als een sterk verhaal beschouwen
I would love to visit Alaska Filip, the photo opportunities would be incredible! Unfortunately my fear of deep water and too many people aboard one ship 😃 would make it impossible to get there on a cruise ship! I will content myself with enjoying images like yours here, taken by people without fear 😃😃
ReplyDeleteI would love to visit Alaska Filip, the photo opportunities would be incredible! Unfortunately my fear of deep water and too many people aboard one ship 😃 would make it impossible to get there on a cruise ship! I will content myself with enjoying images like yours here, taken by people without fear 😃😃