Isabela Island is rather big and has many faces. Our two previous articles show pictures of animals and beach locations. That morning, we were landing with the zodiacs on black lava rocks. All Galapagos Islands are volcanic and this is a young island.
Our hike is continuously on hard underground, it almost looks like the whole region was burned down except some green surfaces. The water elements and canyons make this lava world extraordinary. Sometimes you can spot flamingo's in this lake.
Isabela Island is redelijk groot en toont ons vele gezichten. In onze twee vorige artikelen tonen we u foto's van dieren en een strand locatie. Die ochtend, landen we met de zodiacs op het harde zwarte lava gesteende. Alle Galapagos eilanden zijn vulkanisch en dit is een jong eiland.
Onze wandeling is volledig op deze lava ondergrond. Het lijkt er net op dat het volledige gebied werd opgebrand met enkele groene oppervlaktes als uitzondering. De water partijen en ravijnen maken deze lava wereld buitengewoon. Soms kan je hier in de meren flamingo's spotten.
Previous Galapagos article:
Urbina Bay dry and wet hiking, Punta Morena
Previous Volcano article:
Sulphur Springs and volcano, St. Lucia
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Secrets of Aloha
2 hours ago
You are the same eight as this cactus! Yes, parts do look otherwordly!
ReplyDeleteeen prachtig vulkanisch landschap
ReplyDeleteen ook mooie detailfoto's Filip
Beautiful photos! I would really enjoy exploring this place! Thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDeletelooks like a gorgeous place, and think you need some serious hiking boots to hike on this lava! I have tried this in Hawaii, and think it is some tough hiking. What a wonderful place to travel