Saturday, 4 February 2012

King frost rules, the coldest temperature in The Netherlands since 5 years

Last night, they measured temperatures of minus 22,8 degrees, the coldest in the last five years. Yesterday, it started snowing in the early afternoon and immediately there were more than 100 traffic jams all over the country. Public transport was paralysed and many flights had delays or could not take off from Schiphol airport. These temperatures are so unusual for The Netherlands that it disrupts the normal live.

Our first job in the morning is a short walk with the dogs. This morning we were amazed by the frost on trees and reed here in Zoetermeer. The little canal was covered with ice and the reed on the banks was very fascinating to me. As soon as we arrived home, I went back with my camera. This time I couldn’t wear gloves, operating a camera with gloves on is not efficient. Despite the cold, I am happy I went back to take these photo’s in Oosterheem.

Vorige nacht heeft men temperaturen opgemeten van minus 22,8 graden, een koude record over de laatste vijf jaren. Gisteren, in de vroege namiddag, begon het te sneeuwen, onmiddellijk ontstonden er meer dan 100 files in het land. Openbaar vervoer leek wel verlamt en vele vliegtuigen hadden vertragingen of konden niet opstijgen van Schiphol luchthaven. Deze temperaturen zijn zo uitzonderlijk voor Nederland, dat het een invloed heeft op het normale leven.

Onze eerste taak ’s morgens is een wandeling met de hondjes. Vandaag waren we verbaast van de ijskristallen in bomen en het bevroren riet in Zoetermeer. De kleine sloot was dichtgevroren en het riet langs te oever was zeer fascinerend. Van zodra we terug thuis kwamen, ging ik terug met het fototoestel. Deze keer besloot ik geen handschoenen te dragen want dit zou de bediening van de camera hinderen. Niettegenstaande de kou, ben ik blij dat ik deze foto’s in de wijk Oosterheem genomen heb.

Frost Oosterheem
Frost Oosterheem
Frost Oosterheem
Frost Oosterheem
Frost Oosterheem
Frost Oosterheem
Frost Oosterheem
Frost Oosterheem
Frost Oosterheem
Previous Zoetermeer article: The HSL-Zuid or TGV dog walking adventure

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  1. Love your third photo of the tree, beautiful. I understand much of Europe is currently effected by extreme winter temperatures. Hope your heating continues to work well.

  2. Ja de wereld is mooi nu he, heb hier geen bevroren bomen gezien.

  3. We have heard about your bad weather here on TV. It is unusual for the Netherlands but it makes pretty photos.

  4. Soooo nice photos .. what a magical nature, the trees are from the wonderland...
    Greeting Karin

  5. So pretty, certainly worth going back to take photos to share with us.
    You have a good eye for composition, you see things others don't necessarily see...and I can't imagine being in lots of snow and also that cold temperature.

  6. wow I like so much this winter scenery, it's beautiful and your pictures are great!
    Stay warm dear friends!

  7. magic pictures from this perfect winter wonderland! I also went out photo-shoting this morning, was so cold, but extremely beautiful and worth it:-)))

  8. I agree with the rest: the thirs picture is fantastic!

  9. Absolutely stunning shots! Mother Nature can produce some beautiful things, even in the cold. :)

  10. pictures with snow is only in dreams for us...
    thanks for sharing...

  11. Amazingly beautiful but I'd rather see it virtually then being there myself! :-) This Siberian cold wave is hitting now. Temperatures have dropped to -11ºC in some places up north, which is really cold for the Portuguese. Glad I live further south! :-)

  12. Now you see what I'm up against, Filip! My hands are always freezing. I believe that snow you got should have been delivered to Breckenridge instead - we know what to do with it here! I'm glad you went back out - the frosty grasses and trees are lovely.

  13. WOW bij jullie RIJP aan de bomen, ik ben jaloers!
    Hier maar een klein beetje sneeuw en veel ijs wat ook pret geeft!
    Heerlijk om jullie beelden te zien!
    Groetjes Cristien.

  14. So beautiful the effect of frost and the way it "paints" the landscape. Wonderful presentation :^)

  15. Ohhoh, you have had very cold. I've heard it on the TV. And you have snow. !!
    Very nice fotos. It's interesting to see your home landscape. (Are the fotos of yours..?)

  16. Beautiful scenery captured, Filip! I love the whit trees and plants. I can't imagine how cold it must be. I would love to experience this just once. It's so hot and humid here and our winters are so mild in comparison to yours.

  17. How lovely you got to experience the cold and snow. You really should come to Finland in winter time, you would love it...tons of snow. You should go to Lapland here in Finland.


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