Arriving in Bridgetown port, we see the Rotterdam of Holland America passing by. They are just ending a holiday period, this is their last port before crossing the Atlantic Ocean again to The Netherlands. The Seadream Yacht club is also in the harbour. In front of our Celebrity cruise ship we see a container vessel unloading. The ancient dock crane is an eye catcher.
The most interesting ship however was the Royal Clipper of “Star Clippers” cruise line. This is the fastest and largest sailing boat in the world. It was built in 1902 and sails the oceans with 227 passengers. The five masts has 42 sails. We are fascinated and talk to some of the passengers who just crossed the Atlantic Ocean, more than a week on the waves without seeing land. How is the ship moving? Was it rough? No, the waves didn’t roll over the front deck. Hearinf this, we decided we are not yet ready for a sail boat. Maybe in 10 years time when we are more experienced.
Toen we in de haven van Bridgetown aankwamen zien we de Rotterdam van Holland Amerika voorbijvaren. Dit is hun laatste stop vooraleer ze terug varen naar Nederland. Twee keer de Atlantische Oceaan gedurende één cruise. De Seadream Yacht club is ook van de partij. Recht voor ons Celebrity schip zien we een containerboot lossen. Een antieke kraan is echt een kunstwerkje.
Het meest interessante schip in de haven was de Royal Clipper van rederij “Star Clippers”. Dit is de grootste en snelste zeilboot ter wereld, een vijf master met 42 zeilen. Hij werd gebouwd in 1902 en vliegt over de oceanen met 227 passagiers. We zijn nieuwsgierig en praten met enkele passagiers die net de Atlantische Oceaan hebben overgestoken, meer dan één week op het water zonder land te zien. Hoe bewoog het schip? Was de zee ruw? Neen, de golven vlogen niet over het dek. Toen we dit hoorden, wisten we dat we nog niet klaar waren voor een zeil cruise. Misschien over 10 jaar als we meer ervaring hebben..
Previous Barbados article: Swimming lessons and baptising in the sea, Carlise Bay, Bridgetown
Previous Port article: Celebrity Eclipse not allowed to dock in the port of St. Thomas
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Heart and Hands
22 hours ago
Uitstekende foto's Filip..... en goede info......'t is altijd plezierig om jullie blog te bezoeken.
ReplyDeleteGroetjes, Joop
Wow that clipper ship is quite fascinating looking and hard to imagine it holds so many people for an ocean crossing. Think you would want to choose a time of very nice weather. I'll bet high seas would be very impressive in this boat. Lovely shots , and thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteOhhhh that clipper is indeed an amazing looking boat. How fun it would be to sail on her.
ReplyDeleteWat een zeilboot, Filip ! Boeiend voor de toekomst...
The royal clipper and the crane really are the stars of this post.
ReplyDeletePorts are places of interest, especially when that kind of yacht is present.
"Barbados" is a very cheerful boat among others..
ReplyDeletehavens en schepen boeien me te zeerste, hier steelt de Royal Clipper de show...
een zeilschip om " U " tegen te zeggen
@'Een klein beetje dansen'... Op ijs misschien...
ReplyDelete'k Weet beter, Filip ! Het stijlvolle dat je ons af en toe toont... Chapeau !
It would take courage to sail on the Royal Clipper but it would be a wonderful experience too, a taste of a bygone era.
ReplyDeleteDat is nog eens andere koek dit zeilschip Filip.
ReplyDeleteIndrukwekkend om te zien.
What a treat! I am a fan of ships, and what a busy time you discovered! Lots of action on the water, and what a lovely day, blue skies and fluffy clouds, and the bluest of waters. Excellent photos!
ReplyDeleteDelightful, Filip! Love these photos!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Clipper. I very like its very slender lines.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing and best regards from snowy Budapest.
A fine collection of very impressive looking vessels!
ReplyDeleteImpressive ships!You did a great article about this port!
een zeilcruise, whaw, maar hard labeur volgens mij
ReplyDeleteindrukwekkend allemaal en ik wil ook eens bedanken voor je altijd leuke bijkomende tekst Filip
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that Barbados has such a busy harbour. How nice from the Rotterdam to be there to welcom the Dutch travellers :-)
ReplyDeleteSo many variety of ships seen during your trip. The Clipper ships look odd without sails.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing valuable information. Nice post. I enjoyed reading this post. The whole blog is very nice found some good stuff and good information here Thanks..Also visit my pageStar Clippers Cruise Ships Three magnificent fully rigged sailing ships are waiting to take you on a journey to discover so many intriguing places around the world.