Many of you will probably wonder what this title means, Ten Poel. By translation we come to natural small pond. The church of Our Lady in Tienen was located at a pond which is now transformed into a market square. The Gothic church is about 700 years old and is a protected monument of the Flemish region.
Typical at the Gothic style are these arches and many small towers around the chapels. The decorations below the income portal are repeatitive but impressive. Inside you find a big wooden organ, the altar of Our Lady and beautiful stained glass. The most interesting is the wooden confession area with angel carvings.
De Onze Lieve Vrouw kerk te Tienen kreeg haar naam Ten Poel, daar ze aan een poel gelegen was. Deze poel is nu de Grote Markt. De Gotische kerk is ongeveer 700 jaar oud en staat op de Vlaamse lijst van beschermde monumenten.
Typisch aan de Gotische stijl zijn de sierbogen en vele kleine torens rond kapellen. De beeldhouwwerken onder het inkomportaal zijn gelijkaardig maar toch indrukwekkend. Binnen in de kerk vind je een groot houten orgel, het OLV altaar en mooi brandglas. Het meest interessante was een houten biechtgebeente met engelen houtsnijwerken..
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The cathedral of St. Michiels and St. Goedele in Brussels
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Roaring Sky Lion
22 hours ago
I adore going through churches and just marvel at the structure and the ornaments in and around them. One of my favorite things during my trip to Europe as a teenager was touring churches and castles. Still do! Thank you for sharing these, it is so wonderful to see them.
ReplyDeleteToen... had je toch 'bouw'kunstenaars, Filip... Mooi... !
Jullie waren in de buurt ...
ReplyDeleteMooie foto's vanuit Tienen.
Beautiful gothic church! I like this style!
ReplyDeleteReally lovely. The angels are wonderful. Amazing to me to see the wooden chairs!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awful lot of work went into this!!!
ReplyDeleteCeilings seem to be something we have forgotten over time. They certainly knew how to look up years ago. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for explaining it! Quite an amazing place to visit. I can just feel the calm and peace just by looking at your photos!
ReplyDeleteEnkele prachtige foto's zitten er tussen van de Tiense kerk.
ReplyDeleteik heb altijd veel respect, wat ze vroeger toch voor mooie dingen deden. De ingang is heel mooi, het houtsnijwerk is prachtig en zo kan ik wel verder gaan.
ReplyDeleteGroetjes Dietmut
such a grand entrance!