Friday 15 November 2013

The Old Box – 1988: Kristel in a Grand écart or split

As a nine year old girl, Kristel was a gymnast and grabbed every possible opportunity to improve her skills. On this picture, you see her doing a split next to a snooker table. While her father played snooker with friends, she practiced.

Toen Kristel negen jaar oud was hield ze van turnen en maakte ze gebruik van elke mogelijkheid om haar vaardigheden te verbeteren. Op de foto zie je haar in een split naast een snooker tafel. Terwijl haar vader met vrienden snooker speelde, was zij aan het oefenen. 

Split - Grand ecart

Previous Old Box article: 1986: In the army now, military school of Zedelgem

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  1. She was adorable, and all her practice brought her to the marvelous dancer, and young woman she is today! Bravo for every child's resilience and study in their young life.

  2. She was the loveliest girl. Today is a wonderful, very beautiful woman.

  3. Zelfs met haar zondagsjurkje aan een grand ducart. Vandaar dat ze zo lenig is en goed kan dansen vermoedelijk. Prachtige foto!

  4. great shot! thanks for sharing these secrets with us:-) happy weekend!

  5. That is excellent. Lovely to see Kristel doing the splits.
    Something I will tell you both:
    I used to turn myself inside out when I was young and performed on the stage in the oldest theatre in Australia which is still in use. I wore a costume like a snakes skin. I have no photos in that costume..
    Ballet and all types of dancing as well:) My mother would sew for hours at night.

  6. I hear it's a tough sport to master

  7. Wonderful skill!! nice photo..

  8. Lovely.
    It is no wonder that Kristel is a dancer.

  9. There's something I've NEVER done - and that means I probably never will!! LOVE your 'Old Box' series!

  10. kristel is very cute. :)

    (yes, people eat crawfish. they do huge crawfish boils in the south, dumping them onto the tables where people eat with their fingers - it is a southern style feast of sorts.)

  11. Ach, wat leuk!!!! Groetjes ook aan Kristel, Dietmut


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